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Linda Lee Smith Barkman:


  • PhD from Fuller Theological Seminary in Intercultural Studies, specializing in Intercultural Communication.

  • Advocate for the marginalized, especially women, and most especially currently and formerly incarcerated women.

  • Under care towards ordination with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

  • Authority on Muted Group Theory as explaining the dynamics of muting the less powerful, while also providing a mechanism for resistance and change.

  • Promoter of hospitality, creation care, and table fellowship as three primary practices of community building.

  • Practitioner of a new paradigm of mission to Tijuana, that of supporting indigenous women in situ.

Upcoming Publications

Hidden Power and False Expectations: Muted Group Theory for Urban Mission, June 2020, Urban Loft Publishing, available on

Caught in the Middle: Muted Group and the Unique Power Position of Prison Ministry Volunteers in “Theory in Practice: Case studies in Missiology” by First Fruits Press, Asbury Theological Seminary

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